Comments on: Analysis: How developing nations are driving record growth in solar power The Global Energiewende Mon, 12 Feb 2018 11:24:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: naseem bano Wed, 31 Jan 2018 14:11:39 +0000 while we are facing environmental changes and the other energy resources are getting end its really important that world should focus more on solar energy generation. its high time now many countries are doing their best to plant more and more solar power plants on wide level.

By: James Wimberley Thu, 18 Jan 2018 16:16:41 +0000 It’s remarkable how smooth the global growth curve is, contrasting with the ups and downs in single countries. Professional analysts look at the latter, and try to guess whether expected downturns in single countries like Germany or the UK will be made up for by growth elsewhere. The tend to have better information on the downs than the ups, so their forecasts turn out conservative. Amateurs like me just look at the overall growth and assume that the future wilt be like the past. It almost always is.
